Research and Specialist Design

We combine extensive integrated design experience with interdisciplinary architectural and engineering knowhow in order to design buildings that are fit for the future and help our clients to meet their ESG requirements.

This supports them in their search to remain competitive and opens up new avenues for growth.

Our research and specialist design companies act as independent “innovation labs” for sustainable real estate development. On the basis of their research and development findings, they work with internal and external design teams on innovative and practical solutions that – in line with ATP’s clear vision – change our built environment for the better.

Sustainable planning and building

Building Physics

Analysis and simulation

Extreme cold, heavy rain, storms, heatwaves, and intense traffic noise – building users are subject to a multitude of external forces that are almost impossible to influence. In the light of climate change, forward-looking, holistic design is more important than ever. This is why the building physics specialists of ATP sustain always join our teams at a very early stage.

We work together to holistically consider all aspects of building physics including thermal and noise insulation and spatial acoustics. Our clients benefit from our ability to produce, at a very early stage, resilient prognoses of energy demand and other parameters that also consider input such as climate change scenarios and the acoustic quality of the future building.

Jens Glöggler, Managing Director at ATP sustain

It is our responsibility to work together with our clients to define spatial parameters for temperature, humidity, and noise that enable users to enjoy an optimal environment with a minimum of energy consumption, all year round and in all operating situations, while also meeting the building’s lifecycle-oriented ESG targets.

Jens Glöggler

Managing Director ATP sustain

ATP sustain

Building physics addresses the qualitative definition of the external boundaries of and interaction between different zones, with the objective of creating thermally and acoustically “stable” interiors. External and internal walls, roofs, and slabs must be optimized accordingly. In addition to this, building physics addresses internal factors such as noise and its sources, and the relationships between such factors, in order to establish a balance between different zones. Adjacent building elements act as filters in this process.

Modern calculating methods enable us to realistically model the dynamic processes that will occur in the finished building during the design phase. Simulations primarily support this process and investigate critical spaces while also helping to avoid the under- or over-dimensioning of technical plant. The aim of these methods is to optimally define the quality of the components of the building.

    • thermal insulation

    • humidity protection

    • protection against heat in summer

    • airtightness concepts

    • humidity measurements

    • measurements of spatial parameters (temperature, humidity, air quality)

    • building thermography

    • damage assessment

    • protection against airborne and impact noise

    • calculation of spatial reverberation times

    • external sound insulation

    • emission and immission calculations

    • measurement of constructional acoustics

    • measurement of spatial acoustics

    • measurement of environmental noise

    • measurement of sound immissions

    • dynamic building and plant simulation

    • interior airflow simulation

    • daylight simulation

    • external areas and microclimate simulation

    • spatial acoustic simulation

    • noise emission and immission prognosis

Sustainable planning and building

Strategic Real Estate and ESG Consultancy

Objectives and strategy

Sustainable building demands a clear approach, defined objectives, a suitable strategy – and technical knowhow. The European Green Deal envisages establishing Europe as the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This sought-after transformation process also presents a realistic opportunity for the real estate sector to make a significant contribution to securing the future of our economic region.

Together with the sustainability experts of ATP sustain, we accompany our clients through all phases of the environmentally-friendly construction process, from the development of a strategy, via all intermediate steps, to the future-fit operation of a single building or the putting together of a future-fit portfolio. Key tools in this work include management processes such as building certification, client-specific sustainability strategies, decarbonization guidelines, and climate protection roadmaps.

Alongside concrete operations, we also accompany the necessary ESG reporting in the areas of taxonomy, CRREM, biodiversity, climate change resilience, low-emission building, or the protection of natural water resources. Based on the premises of “economically efficient,” “socially just,” and ecologically viable,” measurable objectives are defined in the environmental (E) and (partially) social (S) and governance (G) areas and individual steps are transparently explained and supported by the verification required by ESG reporting. In addition to the project objectives, operational targets are defined and ecological and economic prognoses are drawn up right at the start of the project in order to help decision-making throughout the development of the building. This applies equally to individual objects, locations, and entire property portfolios.

    • ecological footprint

    • low-emission building

    • dismantling concepts and the digital material passport

    • circular economy concepts

    • climate change risk analyses

    • climate protection roadmaps

    • interior air quality concepts

    • thermal and acoustic comfort

    • visual comfort, including daylight

    • external space comfort

    • design for all

    • sustainable building and operational certification

    • taxonomy and sustainability reporting

    • energy and water management concepts

    • commissioning and operational optimization processes

Michael Haugeneder, Managing Director at ATP sustain

The aim of ESG reporting in the real estate sector is to correctly, completely, and promptly depict transparent objectives with data and plans of measures for each phase. ESG links economic risks with real created values and is based on the fundamental principle of improvement management – P-D-C-A (plan-do-check-act) – with the aim of creating a basic framework for a long-term corporate approach.

Michael Haugeneder

Managing Director ATP sustain

ATP sustain

Design & Research

Incubators for innovation and sustainable design

The D&R studios of our design offices research intensively into new ideas and technologies. Our designers form an active network at the interface with integrated design that seeks to share the spirit of innovation across the ATP Group. As academic platforms for design and innovation, they move between basic and applied research and are always ahead of the mainstream. They test the quality of new technologies, materials, and forms with a focus on the integrated design process and on the central importance of the aspects of “lifecycle costs” and “sustainability.”

Alexander Montero, Head of Design at ATP Hamburg

Our creative laboratories love developing challenging, innovative, and extraordinary solutions. We are used to looking beyond the horizon because our work is always oriented to the future.

Alexander Montero

Architect, Head of Design in Hamburg

D+R Studios

Interior Design

The living and working environments of tomorrow

New societal developments and changing living and working habits challenge us to think about buildings and their interiors in new ways. This is why the interior design strategists of Mint Architecture join our integrated teams during the early design phases.

This means that we can also support the core processes of a building with a bespoke interior design concept. The work is permanently focused on a conceptual exploration of people’s needs, of the customer journey and the way spaces are used, and of the requirements of the market.

Caroline Ohnmacht, site manager at MINT Innsbruck

We activate and invigorate spaces to create places for today’s working and living habits. To create settings that inspire and amaze. We revitalize rundown buildings to make them fit for the future and upgrade them in line with the principles of circular building.

Caroline Ohnmacht

Client Director/Managing Director

Mint Architecture, Innsbruck

Medical, Kitchen, and Laboratory Design

Medical, Kitchen, and Laboratory Design

Integrated design in the health sector

Building projects in the health sector are accompanied by a wide range of challenges. They demand careful preparation, close cooperation between all participants, and the comprehensive accompaniment and monitoring of all building measures. User-oriented design by our experts at ATP health – whether as independent specialists or as integrated designers working within the network of ATP architects engineers – lays the foundation for the operational success of a building. The planning team delivers all services from a single source, from the initial concept and organizational planning, via machinery, infrastructure, and execution design, to construction management.

    • Specialist medical technology design

    • Specialist laboratory technology design

    • Pharmacy design

    • Specialist kitchen technology design

Armin Wentzler, Managing Director at ATP health

We work with all project participants to develop a forward-looking, functional, and operationally optimized building structure that best meets all technical and medical requirements.

Armin Wentzler

Architect, Managing Director ATP health

ATP health
Technical Infrastructure

Integrated Technical Infrastructure

Forward-looking technical planning

Against the background of climate change, the participation of building services (TGA) engineers in the early design phase is now more decisive than ever. Because buildings are responsible for almost 40 % of the CO2 emissions that harm our climate. This is why our TGA engineers focus on planning a functional building in which not only users feel at ease, but which also has a minimal environmental impact.

The experienced team from ITA engineering offers future-oriented technological design in all parts of the construction process. In this work, our specialist engineers act as independent technical experts and cooperate closely with the integrated design experts of the network of ATP architects engineers.

    • integrated technical design of all building services plant

    • interdisciplinary BIM solutions

    • neutral and independent consultancy services in the areas of building and energy efficiency

Anne-Kristin Volz, Managing Director at ITA Engineering

Today’s energy and climate challenges demand innovative building concepts. We design and realize future-fit buildings as part of an integrated team.

Anne-Kristin Volz

Engineer, Managing Director ITA engineering

ITA engineering
Technical Infrastructure

HVAC Planning

Efficient & sustainable building technology in the health sector

Health sector projects require the reconciliation of high hygiene and fire and noise protection standards, a wide range of patient and personnel needs, and strict sustainability and energy efficiency requirements.

Forward-looking integrated design solutions that also take future developments into account are indispensable. This is why our engineers at Hochstrasser Glaus & Partner (HGPC) address the processes of a building during the early design phases and develop smart, innovative solutions that are in line with today’s high ecological targets.

    • heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and cooling design

    • measurement & control systems and building automation

    • cleanroom technology for research buildings

    • cleanroom technology for hospital buildings and the pharmaceuticals sector

    • the use of exhaust heat, energy and heat recovery

    • cooling technology for air conditioning, industrial buildings and cold lines

    • steam and warm water plant

    • combined heat and power plant

    • alternative energy equipment

    • district heating supplies

    • specific aspects of environmental impact

    • buildings designed to the Minergie standard

    • thermal simulations with Helios / IDA ICE

    • legal and insurance reports

    • expertise / evaluations / second opinions / due diligence / risk analysis

    • qualification and validation of GMP / PIC projects

    • qualification and validation of operating rooms in line with GOP

Christoph Schmocker, Managing Director of Hochstrasser Glaus & Partner Consulting AG in Zurich

Think globally, act locally.

Christoph Schmocker

Engineer, Managing Director HGPC


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