Form follows Function
Honorable mention for the design of the TVFA extension in Innsbruck
An architectural teaching aid: The award-winning design for a testing hall at the Technical Testing and Research Institute (TVFA Innsbruck) is aiming for klimaaktiv Gold certification. The timber structure makes the building’s function visible from the outside and serves as a model for a sustainable circular economy.
Demonstration building for resource-friendly construction
In the open competition for the expansion of the Technical Test and Research Institute (TVFA Innsbruck), the design by ATP architects engineers received an honorable mention. The core task was to plan an extension of the testing hall together with an adjoining laboratory building on the Technikerstraße campus of the University of Innsbruck.
Under the motto “One hall … a versatile future,” the concept paves the way for future expansions and functional adaptations. As a tangible example of the “circular economy,” the flexible timber structure functions as both a research facility and a didactic model for sustainable construction. Furthermore, the selection of timber as the primary material reflects the purpose of the hall, which is primarily used for testing timber components.
The design integrates seamlessly into the existing campus structure. Attractive visual relationships, an optimal orientation, and a warm atmosphere contribute to a high-quality visitor experience. The project is aiming for klimaaktiv Gold certification, which will underline the building’s economic and ecological advantages.
Excerpt from the jury report:
“The project stands out due to its offset structure, which enhances its spatial and functional qualities. The creation of internal courtyards offers outdoor views from both the existing and the new buildings. This improves the limited daylight in the existing structure and creates high-quality spaces for employees. Additionally, these courtyards provide natural ventilation for both the old and the new elements.“