Landscape for Vocational Learning

Award-winning design for the expansion of the Tiroler Fachberufsschule Lohbach

Innsbruck, 23.03.2024
Fachberufsschule Lohbach
Design and Research Innsbruck Research and specialist design  

With sensitivity to the existing structure and a clear vision for the future: The design, which was awarded third prize, seamlessly integrates the extension into the existing building to create a flexible and sustainable educational facility – designed for the demands of tomorrow.

The “Berufsschulzentrum Lohbach,” a vocational school center, urgently requires additional capacity and a comprehensive renovation of its existing facilities. In the EU-wide, open, two-stage realization competition launched for this purpose, ATP architects engineers won third prize. The award-winning design features a new structural extension and a rooftop addition that carefully complement the existing building. The concept prioritizes high spatial quality and an intelligent layout that optimally integrates classrooms, specialist areas, and communal zones.

A multifunctional space serves as the link between the old and the new structures, forming the vibrant heart of the building. Flexible spatial concepts provide room for teaching, group work, and events. The design is further enhanced by an innovative energy concept for both the existing and new buildings: ventilation systems with heat recovery, CO₂-controlled regulation, the use of groundwater utilization for cooling, and a combination of photovoltaics and battery storage minimize the ecological footprint. This approach ensures the long-term optimization of operating costs and aligns with the energy strategies of Innsbruck and “Tirol 2050”.

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