Our technology

BIM, CD and AI

Smart solutions for complex tasks

Efficient interdisciplinary design benefits from modern technology. As pioneers of digital planning, we also manage the integrated design process with the support of new digital tools.

Digitalization helps us to increase quality. As guardians of the interests of our clients, BIM allows us to focus on the costs and the timetable as much as on the functionality and design quality of their buildings.They trust us because we understand our job. We know each other. Our processes are certified. We work together with transparency, precision, and expertise. Without distractions. And always using state-of-the-art technology.


Building Information Modeling

All-in-one: designing, constructing, and operating digitally

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been our common digital design language since 2012. BIM stands for the digital depiction of all the architectural, technical, physical, and functional characteristics of a building with the help of a special software. The aim is to improve the design, execution, and operation of buildings. Project participants can communicate without the usual interface losses and the information relevant to a specific phase is available to everyone in real time. This offers clients, planners, and users higher quality information and greater certainty. Above all, planning measures can be simulated and extremely precise prognoses drawn up during those early project phases that are so important in terms of cost and timetable.

  • BIM enables us to create a virtual image of a future building long before the first excavator arrives on site. We work together, simultaneously, connecting three-dimensional elements such as walls and columns in line with our client’s vision and enriching these with further information as the project advances. In this way, the architecture and structural and building services engineering concepts take shape within the model.

    When construction is complete, the detailed model corresponds to the actual building and provides valuable “as-built” information for the facility managers or any later remodeling project. Integrated design with BIM also supports the execution process and improves the outcome and certainty of refurbishment projects due to:

    • digital building surveys – which permit existing information to be imported via a 3D laser scan

    • the improved transparency of constructional changes (before/after)

    • the ability to illustrate the optimal construction phases – including for buildings that continue to operate during the refurbishment.

    By centrally managing all relevant data in a digital model, BIM facilitates holistic integrated design. This leads to better outcomes and to buildings that are more sustainable and cost-efficient – throughout their lifecycle.

    Christoph Achammer, CEO and board member of ATP architects engineers

    We know that: Although it only represents 2 % of the lifecycle costs, the design phase holds the most powerful lever. It decisively determines the construction (20 %) and the operating (50 %) costs.

    Christoph M. Achammer

    Architect, CEO

  • A high-performance BIM data model is characterized by the modular assembly of adaptable and standardized elements (structural and building services engineering, finishes, interiors, machinery, etc.). Changes to these elements are immediately reflected throughout the model. This ensures that the impact of changes is transparent for all and provides a basis for timely and reliable decision-making during the design process. An intelligently structured data model enables a project to be depicted in many dimensions:

    • 2D (plans – digital building survey, including for refurbishment projects)

    • 3D (visualization and animation)

    • 4D (construction phases – including for buildings that continue to operate during refurbishment)

    • 5D (simulation – costs, dimensions, component lists, ecological data, building physics, etc.)

  • The advantages of the BIM working method vis-à-vis classic CAD planning include the optimization of processes and the huge improvement in design quality. The opportunities offered by model-based quality management include:

    • the simple checking of geometrical collisions between the sub-models of the different disciplines

    • the comprehensive, rule-based checking of models (fire and noise protection, escape routes, etc.)

    Model-based communication permits more precise and faster coordination between all project participants. The team reaches rapid agreements and achieves concrete results thanks to:

    • design and site meetings that take place directly within the model

    • the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) workflow, which permits the location- and object-specific communication of coordination information


Computational Design

Parametric and data-driven with algorithms and parameters

Computational Design (CD) is a series of methods for the automation, analysis, and optimization of the architectural design process. It uses algorithms to intelligently link all the parameters of integrated design. CD enables us to further exploit and significantly expand the potential of integrated design with BIM.

    • the automation of repetitive processes

    • the ability to generate design variants in real time

    • the provision of precise information during the early design phase

    • direct access to analysis and simulation data within the CAD environment

    • saving time through automation

    • higher design flexibility

    • better bases for taking decisions thanks to more precise data

    • optimized projects on the basis of simulations

Lila Panahi Kazemi is Computational Design Lead at ATP architects engineers.

CD enables us to dynamically access information in the BIM model, link this with other data, and process it to create more efficient and better plans.

Lila PanahiKazemi

Computational Design Lead in Hamburg


Artificial Intelligence

More time and space for our core tasks

As a technology-savvy company, we are constantly striving to optimize our integrated design process with the help of intelligent digital solutions. We actively seek opportunities to integrate AI systems into our work in such a way that they support our core process – and not vice versa. We are already using BIM and Computational Design (CD) as the basis for our in-house development of digital solutions that will help us to steer the construction industry in an efficient and sustainable direction.

Our objective is to change the world for the better with our buildings. In future, AI systems will offer us the opportunity to have more time and space for our core responsibilities and for developing future-oriented, innovative concepts.

Albert Achammer, Managing Director of ATP Hamburg, in conversation

We see AI – like BIM – as a useful high-performance tool that is able to provide the design team with a well-founded second opinion and many suggestions for alternatives that no individual could possibly generate in the same time.

Albert Achammer

Architect ETH, Partner, Managing Director in Hamburg

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