Learning meets life

Secondary school with sports hall and sports areas on Kolmstraße

A multifaceted school campus that combines architecture, city and nature: Our design creates inspiring learning spaces and lively meeting areas for pupils and the whole community.

Inspiring architecture with added value
In order to expand the school's capacity, the Office for Building Management of the City of Leipzig is planning to build a new secondary school with a sports hall on Kolmstraße. Unser Entwurf zielt darauf ab, eine inspirierende Lernumgebung zu schaffen, die den Schulalltag bereichert und Begegnungsräume bietet. The architecture is intended to foster the development of the pupils and offer added value to the community outside of school hours.

A campus in harmony with its environment and nature
The secondary school fulfils a central urban planning role in our concept by carefully shaping the transition from the urban space to the natural landscape. The edges of the building along the street open up the urban space and at the same time create a sheltered schoolyard with a view to the magic garden.

The architectural design promotes the integration of green infrastructure into the project. Upon entering the school, students are greeted by generous green spaces. The multifunctional schoolyard offers diverse possibilities – here, they can learn and relax, play and balance, explore and hide. This well-thought-out configuration creates a vibrant space that harmoniously connects nature and education.

The architectural design promotes the integration of green infrastructure into the project. Upon entering the school, students are greeted by generous green spaces. The multifunctional schoolyard offers a wide range of opportunities for recreation and activities. A passageway between the school and sports hall provides a direct connection for pedestrians from the residential area to the north to the magic garden to the south, thus improving the accessibility and connectivity of the neighbourhood. This creates a lively space that harmoniously combines nature and education.

Functional spaces for activity, encounter and education
The positioning of the buildings creates differentiated spaces with specific functions: The city square serves as the main entrance to the school and enables a comfortable arrival. The square in front of the school and sports hall serves as a connecting and functional area, including parking facilities and delivery zones. Thanks to its central location, the sports field becomes not only an important area for athletic activities but also an integral part of the entire campus. It promotes movement and interaction between students and athletes, creating a dynamic and harmonious environment that enlivens the campus as a whole.

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