ATP Green Deal

Green Deal

Our Stance on Sustainability

Guide to sustainability

The European Green Deal aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. A huge task, but also a unique opportunity for us architects and engineers to improve our built environment. Changes of this kind require commitment, engagement and solid competencies. We have anchored all these prerequisites in the ATP Green Deal. Together with our clients, we take responsibility for the future.

Thilo Ebert, board member and patron of the Green Deal at ATP architects engineers.

We want to make the world a better place with our buildings! The ATP Green Deal makes our day-to-day approach tangible and measurable. Because the world of building needs climate leaders.

Thilo Ebert

Engineer, Executive Board

Our Motivation

If we have to build, then we should do so differently.

Did you know that around 40 % of all CO₂-emissions are caused by the construction sector? Buildings last for generations. They bear witness to past eras. And to our successes and failures. They consume energy, damage the climate, absorb resources, and create waste. If we don’t make changes now our climate will reach the tipping point and we will destroy the very basis for our existence. When we build, a lot is at stake. But does it really have to be like this? 

Andreas Rieser, Sustainability Manager at ATP architekten ingenieure.

The ATP Green Deal enables us to create a structure for establishing sustainable and climate-friendly building as the norm in all our project teams. Because we’re convinced that we can achieve more by working together.

Andreas Rieser

Engineer, Managing Director in Nuremberg

  • What if our buildings could ...

    • generate more energy than they consume?

    • be built in a climate-neutral manner?

    • act as urban raw materials reserves for future generations?

    • extend their useful lives with the help of innovative reuse concepts?

    • be dismantled and reassembled as if they were made of Lego?

  • We want to change the world for the better with our buildings.” Visions like this require trust. Because neither marketing nor management determine whether a vision can be trusted. This can only be determined by people who, in performing their respective roles – whether as employees or clients –, contribute to the realization of this vision with enthusiasm, because they believe in it.

  • For many years, our integrated design culture, our organization, our processes and systems, and our way of working together have been rigorously aligned with this vision. Our core values were established and have continuously evolved on the basis of the age-old definition of sustainability – the Vitruvian legacy of creating harmony on the basis of aesthetics, functionality, and stability. Out of a sense of responsibility for the future. This future is now.

  • The EU Green Deal envisages the creation of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. This means that sustainability must change from being a well-meaning option to being an absolute necessity. This offers us a unique opportunity to positively transform the way we develop the world around us. And to exercise our responsibility for both the society in which we live and the one that is yet to come. Our contribution to this urgently needed transformation of the building industry is the ATP Green Deal.

Blog posts, stories, facts, ideas: subjects that move us.

Our approach

Our concept for the transformation of the world of construction.

The European Commission’s EU Green Deal plans to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 – a milestone similar to landing on the moon. Our contribution to the necessary transformation of the building industry is the ATP Green Deal. Together with our clients, we are assuming responsibility for the future. Because, at ATP, sustainable design and building has gone from being a vision to a norm.

  • Whether a building is sustainable? This isn’t only determined by the architect who implements innovative material concepts. Or by the structural engineer who can calculate the loadbearing capacity of timber columns. Or by the building services engineer who understands heat pumps. It’s all of these together who determine, during the earliest design phase, whether a building will be an opportunity for or a burden on people and the environment. And there’s even more demand today for architects and engineers who have learnt to look beyond the horizon of their own disciplines. Sustainable buildings require integrated design. 

  • When lots of people work together, reliable data are essential. Data, which all participants in the design process can use simultaneously. A model, which contains all the information required by all those involved in creating a building. A tool, which automates processes, highlights potential, and identifies collisions. The tool that supports us decisively in such ways in every project and enables us to consider a building throughout its entire lifecycle is Building Information Modeling, or BIM.Sustainable buildings require digital processes.

  • As architects and engineers we’ve always been accompanied by the issue of sustainability. Our in-house research and specialist design companies for building physics, sustainability, and building services, ATP sustain and ATP Zero, have been advising us for years about innovative strategies and solutions for living together in better and emission-free ways. But our current objective and responsibility is to establish sustainable and climate-friendly building as standard in all our design teams. Sustainable buildings require experience. 

  • This is why we’ve trained enthusiastic Sustainability Officers and Managers in all our offices. We’ve embedded comprehensive training modules on the subject of sustainability in the ATP Academy. And intensified our cooperation with research and teaching institutions. Our genuine interdisciplinary dialogue with experts from the fields of architecture and structural and building services engineering is ensuring that sustainable ways of thinking and acting are inherent to all our projects. Sustainable buildings require each and every one of us.

  • No BIM model leaves our offices without an ideal variant – a building that can operate in a climate-neutral manner. We invest the extra time to do this for every project. Why? Because we’re convinced: If we’ve already addressed the ideal variant before we begin to develop a real one, we will take the courageous design decisions demanded by today’s issues. Sustainable buildings require courageous decisions.

ATP Green Deal

Voices on sustainability


    Sustainability has been deeply ingrained in RINGANA’s DNA since the very start. And sustainability was one of the key requirements for the construction of our new RINGANA Campus. ATP was the right partner for the realization of this large and important building project. The Campus merges perfectly into its natural setting, convinces experts with its innovative energy concept, and offers people a place in which they can feel at ease, every day.

    Andreas Williger

    Founder and CEO



    At Handl Gastro Service, we and ATP architects engineers broke records. The roof structure designed by ATP, part of which was executed as a column-supported flat slab with cross-laminated timber elements, is the only one of its kind, worldwide. It was only thanks to our close cooperation that it was possible to realize this sustainable innovation. The phrase “teamwork makes the dream work” describes this project perfectly.

    Markus Handl

    Managing Partner



    Regionality and sustainability have always played a central role. We believe in individual initiative, short distances, and a healthy circular economy, in both our relationship with our skilled workers and their use of the material wood. Together with ATP architekten ingenieure, we were also able to fulfil this requirement at the highest level for our new production plant.

    Hannes Theurl and Stefan Theurl

    Managing Directors



    Sustainability has been a central concern to us at ADLER since the very start. ATP helps us to realize true flagship projects – such as, most recently, Europe’s most state-of-the-art production plant for water-based paint: Our environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient, and safe production and logistics facilities assume responsibility for future generations!

    Andrea Berghofer

    Managing Director


Our goal

The 6 Modules of the ATP Green Deal

ATP Green Deal – The six building blocks of sustainable Integral Planning.
  • We minimize both red (building operations) and gray greenhouse gas emissions (building construction).
    For climate-friendly buildings!

  • We see buildings as urban raw materials reserves and carefully select building materials that can be used in closed loops.
    For the transition to a continuous circular economy!

  • We analyze the risks faced by buildings as a result of future climate change and evaluate adaptive solutions.
    For resilient buildings!

  • We preserve water resources and minimize the impact on natural water cycles at a building’s location.
    For sustainable water management!

  • We create healthy interiors that enhance performance and we design with low-emission building materials and products.
    For healthy feel-good spaces!

  • We make sparing use of the limited available natural resources.
    For more resource efficiency!

Our services

Our services regarding existing and new buildings, and refurbishments

All buildings in the EU have to operate in a climate-neutral manner by 2050. This challenge affects both existing and new buildings. And our primary objective is to help you to meet it. What does the EU Green Deal mean for your building?

  • Your building should be future-proof. You don’t want real estate that loses value due to changing regulations. Or that leaves a large ecological footprint. You’re unsure how your building stands up to the demands of the EU Green Deal? We know how to find out!


    • Real estate decarbonization strategy

    • Current CO₂ analysis (Carbon Risk Real Estate Management, CRREM)

    • Energy/CO₂ audits

    • Climate protection roadmap

    • EU taxonomy check

    • Climate risk analysis and adaptation

    • Sustainability concept and certification of existing buildings

  • You want to make your building climate fit. But in doing so you don’t want to miss out on valuable subsidies or create contaminants or residual liabilities. You don’t know exactly how to remodel your building in a taxonomy-compliant way? That’s our job!


    • Survey of existing buildings with building material passport

    • CO₂ analysis (climate-neutral and material-related emissions)

    • Advice regarding subsidies

    • EU taxonomy-compliant design

    • Climate risk analysis and adaptation

    • Closed-loop design to save resources (reuse, recycling, cradle-to-cradle)

    • Design of healthy, contaminant-free buildings

    • Design strategies to protect water resources

    • Sustainability concept and building certification

    • Climate protection roadmap, if your building doesn’t already operate in a climate-neutral manner

  • Your new building should be climate-neutral. But you don’t want a building that doesn’t even meet the standards of the EU Green Deal on the day that it opens. You don’t know exactly what will be important for your building in future? We do!


    • CO₂ analysis of climate-neutrality (operational and material-related emissions)

    • Advice regarding subsidies

    • Building material passport

    • EU taxonomy-compliant design

    • Climate risk analysis and adaptation

    • Design strategies to protect water resources

    • Closed-loop design to save resources

    • Design of healthy, contaminant-free buildings

    • Sustainability concept and building certification

    • Climate protection roadmap, if your building doesn’t already operate in a climate-neutral manner

We look forward to hearing from you!

Jens Glöggler, Managing Director at ATP sustain

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jens Glöggler, Managing Director ATP sustain

Michael Haugeneder, Managing Director at ATP sustain

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Haugeneder, Managing Director ATP sustain

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