Crisis and Creativity

Architecture’s opportunity for innovation

Vienna, 17.01.2024

“How much is the current crisis in construction damaging architecture?” – This question lay at the center of the expert discussion at the third edition of the HELLA Architecture Club in Vienna. ATP CEO Univ.-Prof. Christoph M. Achammer pleaded for creativity and innovation despite the ongoing crisis.

Rising building costs, high interest rates, and tougher environmental regulations: The construction industry is in its deepest crisis for decades. The new challenges being faced by today’s architects and planners raise a range of questions: How much is the crisis in construction damaging architecture? Is there still room for creativity?
These questions were addressed by the high-quality podium discussion between ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer, Daniel Riedl FRICS (Board Member of Vonovia SE), and Mag. Thomas Winkler, LL.M. (CEO UBM Development AG) at the third HELLA Architecture Club in Vienna Ballhaus, which was attended by around 60 invited guests.

Christoph M. Achammer is convinced that the crisis in building doesn’t have to be accompanied by a crisis in creativity. Quite the opposite:

Christoph Achammer, CEO and board member of ATP architects engineers

This crisis is a huge opportunity for our sector, which has been working with waste levels of 30 to 50 per cent for a century. A tight economic situation doesn’t lead to less creative projects but, rather, leads to many, even more innovative products!

Christoph M. Achammer


ATP architects engineers

Turning to the subject of digitalization, the panel was united in the belief that there is still room for improvement, while sustainability is now a fixture of most corporate strategies: There is agreement that buildings that are not ESG-compliant will be obsolete in ten years.

The speakers at the 3rd HELLA Architecture Club.
From left to right: Christoph M. Achammer, Thomas Winkler, Andreas Kraler, Rainer Nowak, Daniel Riedl, FRICS. © HELLA

Exchange encourages creativity and illustrates new perspectives. Hence, in challenging times, dialog is even more important if we are to develop common solutions and prepare the way for after the crisis – which is certain to end!

Andreas Kraler

Managing Partner


HELLA Architecture Club
The Architecture Club of the Austrian manufacturer of solar and weather protection systems HELLA is a forum for networking, exchange, and inspiration and brings together architects, developers, and the specialist media.

The audience of the 3rd HELLA Architecture Club.

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