ATP und Madaster über Circular Economy
DBZ Podcast
Material cycles and reuse: Albert Achammer joins Patrick Bergmann (Madaster) to speak about the need for an ecological transformation in the construction sector. Recyclable building is a resource- and energy-friendly aspect of this transformation.
In the latest edition of the podcast of Deutsche Bauzeitschrift (DBZ), Albert Achammer, Managing Director of ATP Hamburg, and Patrick Bergmann, Managing Director of Madaster Germany, discuss the issues of the circular economy and reuse in the construction sector.
Together for a circular economy
ATP is teaming up with Madaster, the central, global register for materials, buildings, and infrastructure, to work for the anchoring of the circular economy in the construction sector. ATP is a partner of Madaster Germany, Madaster Switzerland, and Madaster Austria.
Listen to Edition 75 “Material loops and reuse” now.